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Chapter 2- Discussion 1

Chapter 2- Discussion 1

Q Taking into consideration our nations two primary crime measures below. Consider what is reported in these two measures. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these measures? 1. Uniform Crime Report (UCR)--FBI 2. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVR)--Bureau of Justice Statistics' Discussion Prompt Should we be skeptical about crime statistics? Provide a short discussion post to this prompt AND reply or comment to at least one other post by a class member. You must first post before you can see replies.

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1. Uniform Crime Report (UCR)--FBI Strengths: • UCR most cited source of crime stats • Very specific on details on the crime cases reported • They publish a number of reported cases in categories (ex. state, city, county, etc) Weaknesses: • Many victims do not report to the police because they do not trust them and because of this, those serious crimes are not included in UCR • relies on voluntary data • Does not include some crimes even if they are reported 2. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVR)--Bureau of Justice Statistics Strengths: